We'd like to take a few minutes to introduce ourselves.
Primarily it will be me, April, writing posts and updating our blog. However, I am sure Josh will chime in along the way. Adoption is close to our hearts and we spend much time and energy talking and dreaming about what adoption means to us, our family and our faith and how to make it a reality.
So, a little about me to start (Josh can write his own little intro post later on).
Happy to be outside in the snow! |
A big change in our lives that happened recently is my new job. I am currently working four days a week at our local Christian elementary school for a one year maternity leave position. It has been a steep learning curve since I have been a full time stay-at-home mom for the past two years and taught high school before that. I can most often be found in the resource room helping kids one on one or in small groups. This is quite rewarding and I am developing good relationships with these students. I also teach grade 7/8 art and music as well as grade 3/4 art, music, phys.ed., health and French (yup, French!). This has been a good challenge for me since in the past I have taught secondary school history, English and geography along with a year of Special Education. I am blown away by my colleagues dedication and commitment to all the students who attend Wallaceburg Christian School (www.wallaceburgchristianschool.com). They are a testimony of God's faithfulness everyday. They truly love what they do and share the love of Christ freely with each of their students.
In addition to two kids and an almost full time job, I teach piano, lead our church's praise team, help coordinate the church nursery and sew when I have any spare time (http://foryoubyme.shutterfly.com).
Yes, life is busy but it is good. Really good.
I hear crying :) Gotta go!