I have been doing a lot of thinking lately about life. Specifically about my life.
How do I seek joy in my everyday?
How do I love my husband and children so that they know I love them unconditionally?
How do I get the most out of each day God has given me?
Some days I feel frustrated and annoyed with my children -- the dinky cars on the floor, the crumbs under the table, the crying over nothing, the bath toys left in the tub, the crayon on the floor and walls. I am overwhelmed with the fact that I am a full time stay at home mom with way too much on my plate. I have to battle the feelings of envy when I hear other moms talk about dropping the kids off at their moms while they shop, clean, sleep (!?) or go out with girlfriends or on a date night.
Stop. What?
This past Sunday our church family was struck by tragedy. A terrible accident has left our church family reeling. This event brings my sometimes hazy view of life into stark focus.
It reminds me that the lives of those who fill my life are truly a gift from God.
... to be thankful for the lives of my children even when my socks are wet and sticky from the remains of dinner on the floor.
... to appreciate the creativity and sneakiness of my little artists.
... to say thank you to my husband who steps into his daddy role the second he steps in the door even when he's had a rough day.
... to call my mom or my dad and say thanks for all the times they just shown up to help me.
Life is a gift. Every day complete with every small and great task is a gift from God. Let's not forget it, ever.
Blessings on your everyday,