What? Rest.
I know what you are thinking ... maybe it goes something like this,
"If I didn't have kids, I could rest."
"If I didn't have a job, I could rest."
"If my house magically cleaned itself, I could rest."
"If my husband did more, I could rest."
"If there were more hours in a day, I could rest."
"If there weren't so many errands to run, I could rest."
"If I could just shut off my phone, I could rest."
The list goes on and on and on with more reasons than I can imagine.
I will be the first to say that I don't rest well. I have opportunity to go to bed early many nights. I am tired enough to crash by 10 (but I don't). I am not a neat freak so I'm okay with chores left undone, and my husband is one of those kinds who does dishes, helps put kids to bed, encourages me to follow my career dreams and even to go to the gym (!!) so some of those excuses I listed above don't work for me. So, what then?
I read a devotional today that directed me to Psalm 62:5. Here's what it says, "Find REST, O my soul, in God alone; my hope comes from him." Hmmmm. That seems pretty straightforward. Genius even -- why didn't I think of that?
It got me thinking. How do I find rest PHYSICALLY in God alone? MENTALLY in God alone? EMOTIONALLY in God alone? SPIRITUALLY in God alone?
To be honest, I don't know the answers but I do know that God's got me. He created me, he gave me intellect, drive and determination, he blessed me with a husband, children and a home, and, whether I acknowledge it or not, he is always by my side in good times and bad. I really can put my hope in him. I have no reason not to.
I challenge you to think about you can answer the question of rest in these areas of your life. What does rest practically look like physically, mentally emotionally and spiritually? What would be the harm in adjusting your routine and your mindset a little bit here and there? Maybe get up a little earlier? Maybe go for a walk or run? Maybe teach your children how to do some of the daily chores? Maybe give your phone a break to rest too?!
2019 is just beginning and there is much to do but I know you're already tired. I am. Matthew 11:28 says, "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." It's a promise.
Rest well.