Once again, it has been a long time since I've written. To be honest, I've felt a little stuck. Our adoption road passed the year mark of being approved and fully registered at a private adoption agency and not even a bite on the hook. Discouraging to say the least.
BUT ...
There is hope. Families are built in lots of different ways and I am realizing that I am privileged to be privy to many exciting family building stories. These stories serve as not so gentle reminders for me. Reminders to continue to trust in the Lord, to trust my gut instinct on the path we are on, to be happy - no ecstatic - for friends, family and acquaintances who share their news of children joining their lives.
Let me share some of these stories with you ... to give you hope, to make your heart happy and to know that even when you feel your world is crumbling, there are children going home to their forever families everyday.
Young friends of ours were recently chosen to adopt two children from a local children's services agency. Talk about crash course in parenting!
Church friends who were given a less than 1% chance of ever getting pregnant recently shared with us that they are indeed expecting a baby -- au naturel!
A friend's sister and her husband, after experiencing many years of wanting to be parents, were chosen by a birthmom this past summer. They rushed home from vacation to be at the birth of their son.
Long time friends decided to give fertility treatments one more go and recently gave birth to a healthy (and adorable) little boy.
Seminary friends, after experiencing the international adoption of their son, are adopting embryos with hopes of being able to experience pregnancy and birth.
An old friend, after experiencing fertility issues early on in her marriage, just announced that she is pregnant with twins!
A pastor wife friend was able to travel overseas with her whole family to add a fourth child to their brood. It hasn't been easy but checking out their family photos it is clear that this child is finally home and thriving.
The stories and announcements will keep coming. Of course, I know many couples who are waiting -- us included. We are waiting for the day that they get the phone call that changes our lives forever. I don't know when your phone will ring with good news or when the test will come back positive but I want to encourage you to hang in there. No one can promise you that the dream of adding a child or two to your family will come true but you can be sure that there is a God who loves you and who cries those aching tears with you. He is holding you in the palm of his hand. He has been faithful in the past and he will remain faithful in the future.
Yours in waiting,
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